The Department of Economics was established in June 1969 for B. A. (Economics) degree course. The Department has specialisation in Microeconomics, Macro Economics, Monetary Economics and Finance, International Economics, Economics of Development and Planning, Research Methodology and Indian Economy. The Department is providing teaching to B. Com degree course also in the area of Business Economics (Micro & Macro), Money and Finance, Co-operation and Indian Economy.
Experienced faculty of the Department is devoted to research in their respective areas of specialization. The Department has always placed equal emphasis both on teaching and active research. The Department of Economics has signed one MoU with Vivekanand Institute of Information Technology, Kavathe Mahankal. Faculties of the department are regularly participating in various national and international academic activities such as conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, FDPs and training programmes.
- Develop the ability to explain core economic terms, concepts, and theories and apply them to contemporary soci0-economic issuesas well as formulation and analysis of policy.
- Demonstrate the ability to employ the “economic way of thinking.”
- Demonstrate awareness of global, historical, and institutional forces that affects soci0-economic situations
- Demonstrate the ability to collect, process and interpret data, including statistical inference
- Be able to use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters.